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  • Product Name :columbine
    Product Introduction



    学名:Aquilegia vulgaris

    Aquilegia (or Columbine) is a perennial garden favorite, blooming late spring to early summer. The attractive flowers are bell-shaped, each with a distinctive elongated spur which makes up most of its appeal. Flower colors come in solids and bicolors, and flower types are single or double depending on variety.
    Seeding temperature ():20-25
    Sprout days(days):8-12 
    Growth temperature ():  15-38
    Flowering phase(months):May-August 
    Spacing (m2):10×10
    Sowing to Flowering (days): 80 
    Height (cm): 10-20
    Plant height 40~60 cm
    Application parterre,pot flower,cut flower
    Purity 95%
    Neatness 98%
    Germination rate 80%
    Moisture 8%
    Sees life 2 years
    Beijing Flower-Goddess  Horticulture
    Tel:0086-10-80535068    0086-10-87503800