ѧÃû£ºLupinus polyphylla
Lupin - Russel Hybrids
There is little to rival a mass planting of lupins with their tall spikes glowing with colour in May and June. Height 90-110 cm.
Plot Type:Outdoor plot, beds & borders
Class:Flowering perennial
Where To Sow: Soak seed overnight 12 - 15 hours before sowing. Early sowings into pots or trays in a cold frame or from April in a seed bed 1cm deep. We would suggest that when watering the seed you use a soluble Fungicide such as Chestnut Compound (Product Code Number 45159) to prevent damping off, which can cause the plant to wilt and die back.
What To Do Next: Tray sown seedlings should be pricked off, as soon as large enough to handle, into a nursery bed 15cm apart. Transplant to flowering site 30-45cm apart in October.
Handy Tip: Lupins are tolerant of most soils and are at their best planted in groups of 5 or 6 plants.