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  • Product Name £ºCONEFLOWER PURPLE
    Product Introduction


    Latin name£ºEchinacea purpurea

    Season: Perennial 
    Height: 2-3 Feet 
    Bloom Season: Summer/Fall 
    Environment: Full Sun/Partial Shade/Dry/Medium
    Zones: 2-10

    Coneflower Purple Echinacea Purpurea is a showy, clump forming herbaceous perennial that dies to the ground in winter and sprouts back in spring. It is 2-3 feet tall with large, daisy-like flowers with swept back reddish-purple rays. Flowers occur singly atop the stems and have domed, purplish-brown, spiny centers and drooping, purple-lavender rays. The leaves are low on the flower stem, long and tapering with a rough-toothed edge.

    Coneflower Purple Echinacea Purpurea is an excellent, long-blooming flower for massing in the border, meadow, native plant garden, naturalized area, wildflower garden, or part shade area of woodland garden. It is easily grown in average, medium, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. The flowers of Echinacea species are used to make an extremely popular herbal tea. Taken orally, extracts from purple coneflower roots and leaves are reported to stimulate the immune system and increase resistance to infections.

    The plant is attractive to bees, butterflies and birds.

    The plant is resistant to deer.

    The plant is drought tolerant.

    Sow Inside: Before last frost 
    Sow Outside: Spring/Fall
    Seed Depth: 1/8 Inch 
    Days to Emerge: 15-30

    Beijing Flower-Goddess  Horticulture
    Tel£º0086-10-80535068    0086-10-87503800