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  • Product Name £ºchinese pink
    Product Introduction

    Latin name:Dianthus chinensis


    Chinese pink
    Perennial herb and dense flowers is 4-6 cm in diameter. corymbs shaped like velour. Without  heat and drought resistance. Require well-drained  soil which riches in organicmatter soil. Good material for the borders and parterre,and also canbe cut flowers.From sowing to flowering needs 90 days.

    Seeding temperature (¡æ):20-25
    Sprout days(days):8-12 
    Growth temperature (¡æ):  15-38
    Flowering phase(months):May-August 
    Spacing (m2):10¡Á10
    Sowing to Flowering (days): 80 
    Height (cm): 10-20



    Beijing Flower-Goddess  Horticulture
    Tel£º0086-10-80535068    0086-10-87503800