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  • Product Name £ºnew york aster
    Product Introduction
    Latin name:Aster novi-belgii
    60~70 cm in height prennial herbs with high cold-resistance.Favor to sunny and ventilized enviroment,low requirement to the soil,ideal grown in humid and fertile soil, and high resistance to the disease.From sowing to flowering needs 90 days.
    Seeding temperature (¡æ):20-25
    Sprout days(days):8-12 
    Growth temperature (¡æ):  15-38
    Flowering phase(months):May-August 
    Spacing (m2):10¡Á10
    Sowing to Flowering (days): 80 
    Height (cm): 10-20
    Beijing Flower-Goddess  Horticulture
    Tel£º0086-10-80535068    0086-10-87503800